5 Important Reasons for Sharing One on One Time with Your Children

Life rolls on quickly. Hectic school runs, the grind of work, and never-ending chores at home. Busy days of looking after the family blur into one and before you know it, another week is done. As long as the children are safe, healthy, and have love around them, that’s all that matters, right? Research suggests that there is another piece of the puzzle. Let’s discuss the importance of sharing one on one time with your child.
1. Strengthens family bonds

If you have more than one child, make time for each of them individually. This could be around bedtime for an older sibling, after the baby has gone to bed. Or, after school drop-off for a preschool sibling. This special focus strengthens the parent-child bond and lets each child know that they play a significant part in the family unit.
2. Improves self-esteem

Engaging in one on one time with your child shows them that they are important in the world. It tells them that they deserve to have a voice and that their feelings are valid. Children with healthy self-esteem go on to be self-assured adults.
3. Fosters a sense of security

When you fully engage with your child, they are more likely to share deeper thoughts and feelings. Moments of undivided attention foster a sense of security in your child, which grows deeper with every intentional interaction.
4. Develops language and social skills

With small children, one on one conversation helps develop language and social skills. Avoid electronic distractions and simply chat about the world around you. Allow toddlers time to assemble their words without finishing their sentences. This tells your child that their ideas matter, as well as how to politely give and take in conversation.
5. Fortifies your love for them

By making time with your child a high priority, your child builds unwavering confidence in your love for them. Emotional bonds are strengthened and fortified to stand the test of time, whether they are still at home with you or have gone off to college.
“There is no better time like the present.”
Get started now making an even bigger impact on the person your child will become.
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[…] to add to breakfast, as a snack and even a tasty dessert. It’s also great to make with your kids, or something you and your partner can do […]
[…] can’t remember the last time it was just you two without the kids and phones. Make some time. It doesn’t have to be clubbing at some rave. No, just put something on […]