Photo Via: zillow
One of the most satisfying and scary parts of building your dream home is, starting from scratch. That’s because of, choices, choices, and you guessed it, choices. Most of us aren’t aware of the different types of new construction options available until we’re doing our due diligence, the way you’re doing now. Choosing the correct home building option is made easier once you understand the differences and the advantages each building style may offer.
Differences in the types of new construction
Before you choose, here’s a little insight to help you decide which path forward will hopefully work better for you.
Traditional stick-Built homes
Photo Via: New Home Construction Site Framing
Let’s talk, traditional stick-built homes. These homes are constructed of wood and done completely on site. The supplies are delivered, and a skilled construction team begins building your home piece by piece per your plans. Because so much of the work is done on site, there tends to be more wood waste. If that’s something you care about, you’ll want to take that into consideration. Another advantage of a stick-built home is the option of a basement. Of course, this will depend on your preference and location.
You should know, with the high demand of skilled contractors, you might be faced with delays due to labor shortages, not to mention uncooperative weather. Speaking of weather, your home is more exposed to the elements during the stick-building process.
I hope I haven’t turned you off of stick-building. It’s really an amazing thing to watch and way to build your home. This style of new construction is the most used, offers the best plan options along with demanding codes and inspections. You can customize until your pockets or contractor screams.
Build time
Although stick-built homes offer the most options, they can sometimes take the longest to complete. The average project completion time for a stick-built home is around 7 – 12 months. I know, that’s a big gap in time. My home is taking longer.
Most homes can be moved if you get the right folks to do the job. However, a stick-built home is built with the idea it’s staying put.
This style offers the most options. Standard new construction financing is the norm.
Holds with market value
Manufactured or Prefabricated homes
Photo Via: Signaturebuildingsystems
So, what’s a manufactured home you ask? You may have also heard them called prefabricated, or prefab homes. These homes are made in a factory before being brought to your site and set on your prepared foundation. To be far, Prefab. can cover a few styles because they’re built indoors in some capacity. Although they’re done in a factory, they must still be inspected and meet strict building codes. I suggest you find out what those are. I also suggest you make sure the location you’re planning to have your home installed doesn’t have any restrictions on the build style of home your selecting.
Manufactured homes range in different styles and sizes giving you a fair number of options to choose from. They are also more budget friendly.
Build time
This option can take on average 4 months to complete.
This style is meant to offer you mobility.
Please be aware, building this type of home can limit your financing option.
Modular Home
Photo Via: hamptonmodulars
Watching the build of a modular home reminds me of a giant puzzle. Like a manufactured home, the modular home is also built indoors. The difference is a modular home is only roughly 70% built indoors. Once the pieces are built in the factory, they’re loaded up and moved to your site to be assembled. Part of that assembling is attaching your home to your basement or foundation.
Modular homes offer tons of different customizable floor plans and like all style homes, require inspections and must meet specified building codes.
Build time
This option can take on average 7 months to complete.
This style like the stick-built home is meant to stay put.
Holds with market value
Concrete Home
Photo Via: fastform
There’s no huffing and puffing this type of home down, well, so to speak. It’s common to see concrete homes being built in areas like Florida due to the weather. However, you can choose to build a concrete home wherever you want. Insulated Concrete Form homes are on the rise. A couple of reasons why, safety and longevity. But that doesn’t mean style and options are not available because they most definitely are. Concrete homes can be made to look just like a stick-built home.
Although the home style is concrete, wood is still used in other areas like the framing of the roof and walls.
Just beware that there’s more than one way to build using concrete. If you think you might be interested, investigate and talk with contractors about the pros and cons.
Build time
This option can take on average 7 months to complete.
This style like the stick-built home is meant to stay put.
Holds with market value
Light Gauge-Steel framed homes.

What about a steel framed home you ask? Well, steel frame homes are very similar to that of wood framed homes. Steel framed homes sometimes are preferred by commercial businesses and some states. This framing style offers many different home plan choices and the freedom of customization.
Something else to keep in mind when considering steel framing, steel conducts more heat than wood, meaning it can lessen the insulation value and lower the energy efficiency by 60% or so. Because of this, it can resultant in higher energy cost.
On the plus side, steel doesn’t warp like wood, can bend without cracking in storms, and is 100% recyclable. However, it can rust if left in water for extended time, weakening its strength.
Steel framed homes normally cost more than wood framed homes, but with the fluctuation of the market, it’s hard to say how things will be when you read this post. Consult reliable builders to get more information.
Build Time
Because steel frames are partly pre-manufactured; pre-punched electrical holes, etc. this can cut the build time down. All in time, roughly 6 -7 months.
Steel frame homes are meant to stay put, can be moved but not easy or inexpensively.
This style offers plenty of options. Standard new construction financing is the norm. In some cases, banks might look favorably on your loan.
Holds with market value